ANGR [ˈæŋ gər] is the modular drum-triggered noise project of paris-based drummer AdriaN "INNiPùkINN" GandouR. The idea of ANGR came to me ten years ago when i first saw Duracell (Andre Diamand, the master of it all) performing alone with his drums. Took me years to reproduce such a setup, and wanted to push it further to a mix of noise / punk hardcore / math-rock approach, according to my style of drums playing with my other projects : the two-pieces agressive math-rock BenNasr AlGhandour & thunder blues duet The Absolute Never.
Piezzo cells on the drums are used to trigger NMM patches through MIDI. No sample here. A NMM is an analogue modelling synthesizer, producing sounds which approximate those produced by conventional analogue synths by using DSP chips to digitally model analogue circuitry.
A NMM patch looks something like this (i know, it's scary).
ANGR, c'est l'alliage encore fumant d’un brouhaha eurythmique issu d'un modulaire possédé par une batterie. Ou le contraire. C'est une émeute électro-acoustique destituée des codes musicaux où les mélodies prennent la place du tempo, où l'orchestre se résume à un seul homme, où les silences font l'effet d'un cri.
C'est aussi le projet solo d'AdriaN "INNiPùkINN" GandouR qui officie également à la rythmique des combos math-rock BenNasr AlGhandour et thunder-blues The Absolute Never, avec lesquels il tourne en Europe.